jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

The return of Santa Lucia

So Last week I was walking around...BORED when this really crappy religious store caught my attention. I dont like shopping. I dont see the fun in spending money in radom things like genetics clothes, cd or movies that u can donwload for free in the internet. But I like to collect Virgin stamps. Its like a hobby that feels like an obligation....

So looking around I found Saint Lucia a virgin that I paint almost 10 years ago but never finished because I moved and wasnt happy with the painting.
I just keep thinking about her and one day in the metro (or subway or tube) I found myself drawing her...

....and this is the result. Some friends tell me that she looks sexy but i thinks that shes just free to be what she wants.....soooo If Im the artist that the interpretation that counts right? ;D

This one its gonna be around in the street of Madrid in a little while....

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